Saturday, September 09, 2006

8 Degrees of Instigation

I got tagged by Shrew (The Taming --> ). It's been awhile since I've posted (ironically, the most stuff going on in my life, the *less* I am inclined to blog about it, at least in the past year or two), so here goes, 8 things you probably didn't know about me:

  • I own a large pair of very sharp, industrial strength scissors I affectionately call, "The Castrator"

  • Sometimes I'm watching something (like a Godzilla movie, or anime), or listening to certain types of music, and I get this "non-specific inspiration". It affects me so hard sometimes, that I am often on the verge of crying

  • Despite my recent need of them, and my own desire to see them due to said need, I'm growing increasingly annoyed with doctors. Mainly, because some of them are f***ing know-it-alls who make grand assumptions (which are totally WRONG) and even when corrected, they don't change their diagnosis/instructions, despite the fact that it could potentially hurt me

  • For every piece of art that I show publically (on various websites), there's probably EASILY about 30 or 40 pieces that I hated, threw out, or just stopped working on because of disappointment

  • I drink soy milk. 8th Continent is by FAR the best. I also collect the plastic tops, because each one I send in they will donate 50 cents for breast cancer research. I have about 8 dollars worth (donation wise) waiting to be mailed in next week

  • If I suddenly gained the miraculous/magical ability to create fully realized (effects and all) movies/videos, I have at any given time, about 8 of them in my head that I would create within the first 10 minutes

  • I have several very ambitious projects that I've wanted to do for many, many years, that I will likely never get to do. Among them are a pen and paper role playing game, and an RPG video game

  • My last living grandparent passed away when I was 3 months old. I have never known any of them. I have only seen a couple of brief photos of my grandmother on my mom's side (the last one who passed away). I have never seen any photos of any of the parents on my fathers side, and my dad passed away almost 12 years ago, so it's unlikely I will ever know what they look like

There's only one semi-regular reader to my blog who *might* do this if I tag them, so I'll leave it up to her discretion, and not obligate her. Anyone else is welcome to do this, I only ask you leave a comment here letting me know you did it.

Note/Request: Someone who knows more about Blogger and CSS than I do (which is a lot of folks); obviously I was able to get it to display the custom bullet icons I made, however, I don't know how to get it to NOT show the normal browser created bullets, like in the sidebars. If you can help me, I'd appreciate it.