Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Happy Birthday, Cleo!

Okay, I'm a couple of days late (I was out of town this weekend), and missed my "little girl"'s birthday on saturday, but she's a cat, and doesn't know the difference :p Seriously though, 2 years old already...

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I still have 5 rolls of undeveloped film with newer pics (although those are already more than 6 months old!)

Monday, August 13, 2007

Happy Birthday, Pepper!

Yep, my puppyhead is 10 years old today!

(are you starting to notice a pattern? Yes, it seems all our pets have August birthdays).

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Unfortunately, right now, she's having a bad skin problem (she always had dry, flaky/itchy skin, but it's really bothering her badly. I tried bathing her in all natural oatmeal dog shampoo designed to soothe irritated skin, but she's taking some pretty nasty chunks of hair out of her tail and from each of her flanks. If anybody has any suggestions, feel free to share).

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Happy Birthday, Shadoe!

Yeah, I know, it can seem a little corny at times. But heck, not all cats live to be 16 years old! So happy birthday, old lady ;)