The Squirrel Crisis is starting to get interesting. The weather has been a little warmer over the past couple of days, and I've seen a squirrel on both days. But only one, and they weren't playing. Maybe they're having trouble finding food (I can't imagine how it was any easier a few weeks ago, when they were frollicking). Maybe they're sending out scouts. The one I saw this morning was quite small (a stealth squirrel, mayhaps?), and was signalling frantically with his tail. Even on our side of the fence, which I know was quite clear of danger, he was signalling. He also ran away after looking towards the bathroom window. I don't know if he saw me, but you have to admit it seems oddly coincidental. I'm starting to come to the conclusion that they don't have any specific plans against me, but they certainly don't want me to know what they are planning irregardless. Maybe to them, *I'm* the spy, so they have moved their base of operations?
I walked my friends dog yesterday, and believe you me, if there was a squirrel in sight he would have chased it. As was, he was extremely well behaved (despite my friends kids goading him, trying to make him run and pull me), so it's hard to say where they've relocated. If their plans are noble, and for the good of all, then I wish good fortune upon my squirrelly, nut-hoarding brethren. If they intend something more sinister, then I may have to take up arms with the chipmunks and unite against the squirrel invasion, or lack thereof.
Vive la la révolution de rongeur!
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