In more nasty body news, that toenail on my big toe finally came off yesterday. I've had some bad toe luck since I moved to NH. First I break the little toe on my right foot moving a table, then I smash the big toe on my left foot in a door. That was six months ago though, and I thought the nail was going to fall off back then. It didn't hurt long (only a few days), but it was black and blue (under the nail) up until yesterday. The kids were chasing each other through the house, and one stepped on my foot w/o looking. Typical. It didn't really hurt though, as it was the lighter kid (the one I can toss around with one hand). But a few minutes later one of the other kids was like "eww, your toenail is coming off!" So I looked and lo and behold it was. About half an hour later I helped it along (it was only holding on by one little corner), so I then put one of those big bandaids on it just to protect it for now. I still have the nail and like to torment the kids with it (both the nail and the toe look pretty grody [hey, remember that term?]). I was actually a bit freaked though, as this is the first nail I've ever lost, and it just happened to be the biggest nail! (well, aside from my thumbnails). Do I put some antibacteria on it or something? Anybody with any experience out there? How long is a big toenail going to take to grow back?
On a lighter note, I also had a seriously odd dream. I'll post it later.
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