Monday, July 26, 2004

Quiz Monster
From time to time, I like to take some of those silly online quizzes. Today I got an email from "" (formerly so I went there, and took a few recent quizzes;
Which Reality Show is Right for you?

Mark, you're destined for American Idol

Stars aren't born they're created — just ask the Monkees. All you need is the big break and American Idol is it. Whether it was an impromptu serenade in the school cafeteria or the business presentation-turned-standup routine, you've always been a performer at heart.
Your confidence and stage presence will get you far, and your love of attention will get you farther. Still, it's scary to be up against a million other candidates, not to mention the judges. No one likes criticism, especially when it comes from a snake like Simon. Thankfully, you have the poise and charisma to remain strong during his rants, and once the spotlight is on, all the pressure fades into the shadows. Heck, if some of those wannabes can make it, why can't you?

which of course, lead me to...

Which "American Idol" are you?
Mark, you're a Natural Superstar

When you step on stage, you shine. It's true - you look good in the limelight. There's nothing gimmicky or rehearsed about you, and your charismatic presence is honest and alluring — even if your only preparation involved years of singing in the shower. The competition had better beware —you've got talent, and you know how to use it. Simply put, you make everything look easy.
You've got that star quality that draws people to you. A little bold determination and confidence don't hurt either. So it's no wonder you're going places whether it's as an American idol or the next international superstar. Rock on!

I then took a different path, and decided to go for a career change;

The Career Makeover
Mark, you're an Architect!

For you, the world is like one giant puzzle, just waiting to be solved. In your undying quest for the truth, you're best at finding solutions to complex problems. Lucky for all of us, though, you love to share your brilliant thoughts. Your keen analytical skills and understanding of others makes you a vital player in the think tank. You thrive on the collaborative problem-solving process, could trouble shoot for NASA, and won't rest until the questions are answered. The world could use a few more like you.

Who's like you:Sigmund Freud

Likely careers:Psychologist, lawyer, market researcher, military strategist, PR strategist

I tell ya, some of these things are a hoot... military strategist... "hey, you see this enemy bunker? Blow it up."

How's that for strategy?

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Gourd Abuse
You know, I've never really been a big Smashing Pumpkins fan, but I can so relate to the lyrics, "Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage."

Saturday, July 17, 2004

I had a dream last night. It was interesting (I have dreams all the time, but most of them aren't very noteworthy, IMO).

I went to the store (the one where I work), although it wasn't really the store. I seemed to be in some sort of strip mall thing. However, there was the store owner. I can't say for certain, but it seemed like she was getting her nails done or something. Now granted, I consider the store owners (I call her the owner because I believe she is named as the primary owner, with my friend [her husband] as the co-owner) friends, but will be one of the first to say they don't belong in this business (specifically, the gaming store business).

I don't know what she actually said, but she said something to me, to which I (extremely agitated) replied, "Screw you! I bust my ass for YOUR store! I have sacrificed more for YOUR
store than you ever will!" and I stormed out.

I apparently tried to fly home, but was having trouble due to the wind. Specifically, the wind wasn't blowing in the direction I wanted to go. I somehow managed to fight against it to get back home. However, there were several women in my path. One finally stopped me and said something to the effect of, "we've been looking for you." The next thing she did and said I remember pretty clearly though: She said, "there are a lot of people here lately who are flying on false wings. They can only go in the direction that the wind is blowing." She then handed me what appeared to be a set of black wings (black feathers). She then said, "Now you can go anywhere you want, no matter which way the wind is blowing."

I then went back home, which had a really wierd doorway (it was kind of a half sized door, with no stairs or porch, just a stoop to the side of it, which I had to jump across to reach the doorway. I went inside, and there was a (the) dog. The music seemed to be a more upbeat version of "Cruel Angel Thesis" (the opening theme song for the "Neon Genesis: Evangelion" anime series. The song itself is actually a nice one, especially the piano solo version, which this seemed to be, only with a more upbeat tempo). There was a certain sense of... potency... I looked at my stuff, took off the useless fake wings, inserted the 'real wings', and just packed my backpack, and that was it. I gave the dog the fake wings, but since he's a dog, he apparently didn't need a specific 'direction' (iow, the fake wings were fine for him). I reached the doorway, with a huge smile. I told the dog, "we're free now. Free to go whereever we want." I remember taking off, and hoping that the dog might follow me, because at least I treated him fairly. But I wasn't expecting him to. And I just left. 
I can really relate to the "flying on false wings, only able to go where the wind blows them" statement, as that's pretty much how I've lived my life the past 5 years or so. I've never really had a 'prophetic dream', but I have had dreams that have viewed current events from a different perspective, and it's helped me in resolving current issues.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

For those of you who think I'm dead, you just keep thinking that.

For the rest of you, I'm not dead.

Let's just say that Verizon tech support is neither technical nor supporting very well (brownie points if you can identify that line's origin).

A couple of weeks ago, our DSL conked out. That was friday afternoon. So on saturday, I called tech support. He couldn't get a signal from our modem, despite all the lights being steady green (which is what they're supposed to be). So he sets up a ticket to send a tech guy out on monday. Monday comes, the guy is early. That's good. He looks at the modem, checks the phone lines (even the phone terminal we have upstairs, since this place was at one point, a telemarketing office so it had lots of phone lines). He spends hours (we were his only call of the day) trying to find the main terminal box for our area. Finally he does. Then he leaves. The tech support guy I spoke to the saturday prior calls back saying, "we are too far away from our area terminal box for dsl, as a result our modem burnt out."

Keep in mind, we've had steady DSL service for over a year, not once did I see smoke or smell electronic burning, and the green lights were STILL steady green.

He tells me if I don't hear from them in 24-48 hours, to call tech support back. I can only assume they were to have some alternative solution. They didn't. I called back on the thursday after the tech guy came. They closed the file! Thanks for the technical support Verizon. Well, apparently I got on the line with someone a tad more tech savvy. After a few minutes doing stuff from his end, he discovered that we in fact were NOT too far from the terminal box for DSL. On top of that, he, and he ALONE had the smarts to ask the one magical question: "Do you guys have a router?"


Well hot damn, we do have a router! It's configuration was password protected, so I couldn't get into it (have to talk to Jay, the store owner, since he set it up). BUT, after I got off the phone with tech support, before I called Jay, I decided to hook the modem up directly to the computer. Guess what? All those steady green lights didn't mean, "the modem is actually burnt out" after all!

Three green lights actually means... there's not a darned thing wrong with the modem! Well what do you know... Turns out there was a problem with the router.

So now I'm back, and mostly lurking. I haven't even logged onto my main stomping ground, Digital Webbing (not that they miss me anyway).

I almost considered shutting down all my communication avenues, and just taking a break, but you know, I own prime real estate on the internet, so I can't just leave all my friends hanging. Okay, I can, but you know, I'm miserable here, the net is my only 'getaway', so I'm not going to just throw it away if I don't have to.