Monday, July 26, 2004

Quiz Monster
From time to time, I like to take some of those silly online quizzes. Today I got an email from "" (formerly so I went there, and took a few recent quizzes;
Which Reality Show is Right for you?

Mark, you're destined for American Idol

Stars aren't born they're created — just ask the Monkees. All you need is the big break and American Idol is it. Whether it was an impromptu serenade in the school cafeteria or the business presentation-turned-standup routine, you've always been a performer at heart.
Your confidence and stage presence will get you far, and your love of attention will get you farther. Still, it's scary to be up against a million other candidates, not to mention the judges. No one likes criticism, especially when it comes from a snake like Simon. Thankfully, you have the poise and charisma to remain strong during his rants, and once the spotlight is on, all the pressure fades into the shadows. Heck, if some of those wannabes can make it, why can't you?

which of course, lead me to...

Which "American Idol" are you?
Mark, you're a Natural Superstar

When you step on stage, you shine. It's true - you look good in the limelight. There's nothing gimmicky or rehearsed about you, and your charismatic presence is honest and alluring — even if your only preparation involved years of singing in the shower. The competition had better beware —you've got talent, and you know how to use it. Simply put, you make everything look easy.
You've got that star quality that draws people to you. A little bold determination and confidence don't hurt either. So it's no wonder you're going places whether it's as an American idol or the next international superstar. Rock on!

I then took a different path, and decided to go for a career change;

The Career Makeover
Mark, you're an Architect!

For you, the world is like one giant puzzle, just waiting to be solved. In your undying quest for the truth, you're best at finding solutions to complex problems. Lucky for all of us, though, you love to share your brilliant thoughts. Your keen analytical skills and understanding of others makes you a vital player in the think tank. You thrive on the collaborative problem-solving process, could trouble shoot for NASA, and won't rest until the questions are answered. The world could use a few more like you.

Who's like you:Sigmund Freud

Likely careers:Psychologist, lawyer, market researcher, military strategist, PR strategist

I tell ya, some of these things are a hoot... military strategist... "hey, you see this enemy bunker? Blow it up."

How's that for strategy?

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