To be honest, I've lost my interest in a lot of things. So blog fans, don't feel disrespected. With my birthday so near, (next tuesday, actually), I guess you can call it a 'mid life crisis', although I am a little young for it. I've been stepping back from a lot of things, and attempting to re-evaluate my life. So far, it's not going well (there are so many things just 'floating' out there, so many aspects that I can't really categorize). I've even considered giving up art (at least, in any capacity more than just a hobby). I've had too many health scares this year (was back in the hospital a couple of weeks ago, due to a massive allergic reaction (I had hives all over my body, and my left hand was swelling and painful). I had to take prednisone (a steroid, which brought it's own good and bad things into the picture), and diphenhydramine (benadryl) for a week. It's still not fully gone, even though I finished with the medications almost two weeks ago.
I think it's good to step back and guage what has happened, and what may happen, and where "all this is going". I just wish I had a better grasp of the situation (unfortunately, it's nearly impossible to be unobjective when looking at your own life, and frankly, if you could be, I think there's some serious psychological dettachement issues going on).
Hopefully things will work out okay (and for all those optimisitic people out there, be realistic, seriously. I know you're hopeful, and I know there are people that wish me well, but "it won't all work out" necessarily, and things may wind up "not being okay") but if not... See you in the funny papers...
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