Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Three Week - Day Three

Topic: Name a food item that you've eaten, prepared 3 different ways. List them, and explain your favorite.

Food item: Macaroni and Cheese
  1. Pre-packaged
    I actually really used to like the "White Cheddar" dry mac and cheese (any brand really, but I used to get the local store brand). I used to work at a supermarket, and on my last day, I bought a big blue tote bin, and filled it with mac and cheese, and ramen noodles. I subsisted on that for months afterwards. The Velveeta with the creamy sauce isn't bad, but the best one is the Kraft Deluxe three cheese variety.

  2. Classic Homestyle, baked
    Ironically, this is my least favorite version. I don't mind baked pasta (hey, I am half italian afterall), but it's moreso the use of cheddar that I dislike. When cooked, cheddar (moreso than most other cheeses) tends to break down into the milk solids (like curds) and oil. You have to go through a few extra steps to keep it creamy, and even then it's often quite bland.

  3. Creamy Mac and Cheese, my way
    I guess we really are the most knowledgeable at what we like. I decided one day to create my own version of mac and cheese, on the stove top, not baked (although it would probably work fine baked too), and came up with some very tasty, and creamy mac and cheese. This is definetly my favorite, although I haven't made it in years. I won't post the recipe, although I'll gladly share it if asked Image hosting by Photobucket

Just to help people out, there are plenty of foods that may be prepared multiple ways that don't immediately come to mind, so I'll list a few:

And just so nobody has to scroll down unnecessarily:

My "Three Week" tags:
Reciprocal - Beginnings
Chelle - It's my Escape
Shrew - The Taming
Brenda - Planet Brenda

Monday, January 30, 2006

Three Week - Day Two

Topic: You've just bought a new box of Crayola Crayons, the big 96 count box. You open it up, what are the first three crayons you pull out and examine, and why?

  1. "Outrageous Orange"
    I hate these stupid names Crayola has given the crayons. But for the record, I'm actually sitting here with a box of 96 crayons. I like orange. It's an autumn color, and I love the golds, yellows, oranges of the seasons. I also like the 'quirkier' colors, and this is almost a neon orange color. I think it speaks to me. What it's saying, I have no clue

  2. "Steel Blue"
    This is a metallic crayon, as is the third one. Unfortunately Crayola doesn't have pics of the metallic crayons on their site (like they did the orange above). I have to admit a certain attractiveness to the "shiney object"-ness of this crayon. I'm not that fond of true blue colors, but I like the odder/less seen blues, like the teal/peacock blues, the copenhagen type blues, and this metallic blue. Ironically, I will probably *never* use this or the third choice in any artwork (although I have used crayons before, which is why I have a box here). They are highly impractical (unless you're a kid, I guess), but they're so dang pretty!

  3. "Big Dip O' Ruby"
    Seriously, that's what it's called! It's a metallic red, with a slight (ever so slight) hint of violet. That's one of the things I like about it. I really like red in general, but red when it's on paper almost *never* looks like the 'container'. Be it crayon, marker, paint, the red always looks different (and better, IMO) when it's actually used on paper. But this crayon really does have a ruby sparkle to it. Again, the shiney thing. LOL! But as I said before, I'd probably *never* use it. Maybe someday I'll get these unusuable crayons laminated and hang them on my wall...

And just so nobody has to scroll down unnecessarily:

My "Three Week" tags:
Reciprocal - Beginnings
Chelle - It's my Escape
Shrew - The Taming
Brenda - Planet Brenda

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Three Week - Day One

Okay, I decided to do something "different". I'm starting "Three Week", which basically is this: Each day, I will post a topic, and list three items (following the requisite for the topic). I am going to tag several people at the beginning, and they will be tagged for each of the 7 days/topics. Anybody (and everybody) is more than welcome to develop their own "Three Week", and tag anybody they want to (just remember the basic rules: 7 topics, one for each day, and it must be something that can have at least 3 responses). I invite anybody who wants to, to reuse my topics (but don't tag me of course, since I'll have already answered them), or come up with a few of your own. So, without further adieu: Day One:

Topic: List three things that people online wouldn't normally know about you (the more detailed, the better).

  1. I have before, and in the near future plan to again, dye/color my hair. And I don't mean that Kool-aid or homemade peroxide bleach crap. I mean actual storebought, mix the creme and the liquid, use the safety gloves hair color.

  2. I'm an artist, and I love women (in the aesthetic sense), but I can't draw women well at all. In a similar case of irony, I'm a big Godzilla fan, but I can't draw buildings well either.

  3. I hate small cups. The smallest cup I use regularly is a 16 ounce cup, but more regularly I use a 24 or 32 ounce thermal mug.

My "Three Week" tags:
Reciprocal - Beginnings
Chelle - It's my Escape
Shrew - The Taming
Brenda - Planet Brenda

Okay, I admit, it's basically a who's who of my bloggage links, but hey, got to start somewhere Image hosting by Photobucket

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Retroactive Tag: Five Guilty Pleasures

Shrew retroactively tagged me (my term for tagging me after she'd already tagged the 'required' number of people), so I don't feel obligated to tag anyone myself Image hosting by Photobucket

So here's my list, in no particular order:

  • 99 cent stores. I LOVE them! I could spend 20 bucks a week just at dollar store and always walk away happy.

  • Japanese Giant Monster movies (Daikaiju Eiga). I'll be the first to criticize them, but also the first to grab a seat and start watching.

  • Office supplies. Want to get me a great gift? A gift certificate to Staples or OfficeMax/Depot will get you far.

  • Vanilla. I get obsessive about it sometimes. Mostly in drink format.

  • ummmm... Sorry, Shrew. I did tell you I probably would only have a couple to list. Even the vanilla was pushing it a little.

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Friday, January 27, 2006

Tagged: My Perfect Partner

Yep, my first official tag :) (there's an "unofficial tag" coming afterwards). It's an odd little ritual perpetrated by blogging friends, but who am I to buck the trend? Image hosting by Photobucket

the rules: the victim lists 8 different points of their perfect lover/partner, mentioning the sex of said partner. tag 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on a post letting them know theyve been tagged.

The first prerequisite is breathing. The second would be that she be a female Image hosting by Photobucket

my perfect partner:

1. Gorgeous red hair. Natural red.
2. Has a foreign accent (this way, I'd melt at anything she says)
3. Knows what it's like to be pleased (take that anyway you want), and knows that I'm the only one who can truly make her feel that way!
4. Can stand toe to toe with me on a debate about; Godzilla, Anime, Video Games, Politics, Useless trivia, the state of the world today.
5. knows the difference (ie limitations with regards to myself) between "annoying" and "tickling".
6. Inspires me to write poetry.
7. Doesn't have to be a virgin, but makes everytime I'm with her feel like her first time.
8. Accepts me for who I am, doesn't want to change me but wants to help me become a better person (ie PATIENCE! :))

Okay, I hate to say it, but here's where I have to be a trend bucker. I know about 5 actual bloggers, and I think Shrew ("The Taming", see side links Image hosting by Photobucket) already tagged the only 4 of them I know will respond. But don't worry, at some point I'm sure I'll russle up a few more regular readers ;) afterall, I've been blogging for a few years now (good gravey, has it been that long?! Image hosting by Photobucket), so I'm sure someone's bound to notice this little ol' blog ;)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

What's been happening?

Guess I should post a little update. Well, I spent another week in the hospital (actually, three seperate visits), but I learned a couple of things. Also, I lost 24 pounds in the span of less than 2 weeks. Not a good way to do it, but I'm taking it as a 'start' to lose more weight in a healthier manner (so far I'm doing iffy. I was doing alright, but eating maybe 1000 calories a day. Finally got over this illness, and my appetite came back with a vengeance. Fortunately, I have some very good, specific, healthy plans for breakfasts and lunches that I'll be trying out over the next two weeks. What's really good is, they're healthy and filling, and still leave me some room to 'splurge' a little with dinner).

I am also starting to walk more (still have problems, so I don't walk daily, but a few times a week at least). My goal is 5-10 thousand steps per walk, which is actually pretty easy to achieve. I took a walk to my local store to get a loaf of bread, which amounted to a 45 minute, 7k step walk. So it's an extremely realistic goal.

So, wish me luck on my weight loss endeavors, and in my health issues.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Yeah, I know the "gun" comment in my last post was a bit much. Sorry.

Monday, January 09, 2006

In Loving Memory: January

January 17, 1987: Cindy (first dog. I grew up with her. She was 13 (as was I), and she had cancer. Her hind legs were so swollen she had to be carried out of the house in a blanket).

January 24, 1992: Pepe (actually my mom's bird, he was an Indian Ring Neck parakeet. One of the largest parakeet species, and a rare bird in his own right. He was estimated to be at least 20 (older than me at the time) when he died suddenly)

January 10, 1995: Dad

January 8, 2005: Kitt

In addition, we almost lost Shadoe in January 1997 (thank God I was able to get my tax return in early that year, and for my best friend, Pat, who was able to loan us the rest of the money for her emergency operation).

Last year, I also went into the hospital in January, and it began my year long health struggle (technically, it's not officially "over" yet, but all of 2005 was a struggle health-wise).

This year, not starting out so well :( If this year turns out to be worse than last year, I just may put a gun to my head come late December...
commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

My First Rant of the New Year: Squirp

What is squirp? Well, squirp is the fourth color, only goldfish and a certain species of shrimp can see it.

Humans and most animals can only see Red, Blue and Yellow (and of course, the combinations of the three can form approximately 64million color variations). However, Goldfish can see four colors, and the aforementioned shrimp can see ten colors!

So about 7 or 8 years ago, when I had stayed up (and online) too late, at around 8am I coined the term "squirp" to define that fourth color, vowing one day that I would name the other 6 so the shrimp don't feel left out.

However, tonight, I did a google search for the term "squirp" and came up with a lot of entries. Some of which, are potentially profitable. Of course, I won't benefit from the use, nor do I intend to, but, I think I'm not being sufficiently credited for the term (even if used in a non-color chart matter), I still invented the word. I even did lookups for a couple of years after coming up with it and found *nothing*. In fact, it's quite possible the people using the term only are doing so because they saw/read/heard it somewhere due to my creation of said term.

I feel so left out... :)