Monday, January 09, 2006

In Loving Memory: January

January 17, 1987: Cindy (first dog. I grew up with her. She was 13 (as was I), and she had cancer. Her hind legs were so swollen she had to be carried out of the house in a blanket).

January 24, 1992: Pepe (actually my mom's bird, he was an Indian Ring Neck parakeet. One of the largest parakeet species, and a rare bird in his own right. He was estimated to be at least 20 (older than me at the time) when he died suddenly)

January 10, 1995: Dad

January 8, 2005: Kitt

In addition, we almost lost Shadoe in January 1997 (thank God I was able to get my tax return in early that year, and for my best friend, Pat, who was able to loan us the rest of the money for her emergency operation).

Last year, I also went into the hospital in January, and it began my year long health struggle (technically, it's not officially "over" yet, but all of 2005 was a struggle health-wise).

This year, not starting out so well :( If this year turns out to be worse than last year, I just may put a gun to my head come late December...

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