Well, despite the fact it pretty much hit 100 degrees today, and I lived in my towel (I believe I've taken 4 showers and counting today), I decided to shave with my new Gilette Fusion razor.
Shaving sucks. Period. Don't you females dare go, "you think it's bad?" stuff. You nick your leg, you have stockings, long socks, pants, skirts, etc. We men nick our faces and what do we have? Tiny swatches of toilet paper.
So let's just agree that shaving sucks for both genders and get on with the story...
First off, I prefer Gilette anyday over Schick (don't get me started on the insulting wordplay with the name alone). I was an early adopter of the Gilette Sensor, and it only took me awhile to get with the Mach 3 because of monetary shortcomings. (although to be honest, I felt 3 blades might be pushing it). Well, if 3 was pushing it, the Fusion is a self-massacre waiting to happen. 5 blades, plus one in the back (for those hard to reach places). Great, twice as much opportunity to accidentally slit my throat. I kid of course, I mean, I've been shaving for nearly 20 years, I'd like to think I'm a *little* practiced at it. But today was a horrible day to shave (weather wise), so I wound up nicking myself twice. I haven't nicked myself twice in the past 5 years of shaving combined, but twice in one day. I'm afraid. Very afraid. It does however, do a wonderful job on the chin (and that "blade for hard to reach places" on the back gets the spot under my nose really well, which is a pretty big deal for me).
I just thought this was a goofy little fun story to share (considering some of the other things that went through my mind today, it was post the shaving story, or nothing).
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