Friday, August 11, 2006

A Movie Exercise

Yes, this is a meme! It's about your favorite movies (try not to list more than three in each category):

"Screw Plot! I just want action up the wazoo!" (favorite action movies):

"Was the movie really 6 hours long? It only felt like 2!" (movies that were so great they felt like they ended too soon):

"Gah! The movie was only 2 hours? It felt like 6!" (movies you can't believe you sat through [or maybe you didn't]):

"If you tell ANYONE about this..." (movies that made you cry, even if you weren't supposed to):

"I wouldn't see that movie if my life depended on it!" (movies that you have never seen, and have no desire to see):

"Cartoons, they ain't just for kids!" (favorite animated [yes, CG animation is fine here] movies):

"I'm a romantic at heart." (favorite date movies):

"Shockingly, I thought it was pretty good." (movies that you were surprised you actually liked):

"Why am I the only one? Am I just wierd?" (movies that are generally panned, but for some reason you like them anyway):


"Japanese cartoons, they DEFINETLY ain't just for kids!" (favorite anime movies):

"I wish they would make another movie about them." (sequels you wish they would make):

I will post this sometime within the next couple of days with my own responses. In the meantime, I tag... ALL OF YOU! Seriously, whomever reads this blog (I'm pretty certain Chelle, Shrew, and Cyndy visit regularly. Not sure about the rest of you). Basically, I want to pass this around ;)

EDIT: I guess I should have added, "If you decide to do this exercise, post a comment saying that you did!"

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