Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I know it's a bit early, but hey, at least it's not August.

Isn't the very concept of "Santa Claus" counter to what Christmas is about? And I'm not even talking the religious/spiritual aspect of Christmas.

Think about it; If the spirit of the holiday is the spirit of giving, and of 'humanity', what is it saying that basically, ONE man is the only one doing the giving while the rest of us sit on our asses and do all the taking? (in concept, that is)

Even the fact that hey, just write a list and if you've been good, Santa will bring you all the crap on the list. How is that going to make destitute people feel? I think personally, Santa is one of the worst concepts that has ever been foisted upon mankind. I'd be more for it if was more along the lines of, "Santa knows if you've been bad or good, and he makes the toys, and then tells your parents what to get you" or something like that, but in this modern day and age of "gimmeegimmeegimmee" and "taketaketake", isn't the concept of Santa just totally overindulging (even justifying) that selfish attitude? At a time when the idea is to love your fellow man, and give openly and freely, why on earth would we fall back on the concept of ONE man giving everything away for free? Should we not openly encourage people to give under the guise that, "hey, you're my fellow man, and I care about you. So this is from me to you" ? IOW, people (especially children, IMO) should understand and be aware of just where these presents are coming from, and not take it for granted that some immortal hippy with thousand year old fashion sense is doing all the "good will" so the rest of us don't have to be bothered?

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