Hey, look at this. I haven't even had this blog for what, 4 days and already I'm backed up. Nice to know some things never change... okay, maybe it's not so nice to know. Did I mention my disdain for snow and ice? I'm currently living in New Hampshire (I say currently because in the last few years I have a bad habit of moving a lot. 5 times so far since April 2000), and we just got our second major Nor'easter in less than two weeks. Oh, did I mention I walk to work? And my foot is acting up again? (long story, but I'm currently walking with a cane). You know what, I like snow. But I loathe ice with a passion. Yes, I've had bad experience with ice. In January of 1994, when I was still living at home in New York, we got about 4 inches of solid ice, that lasted into february. Mom fell, dislocated her shoulder and was out of work for months. I fell, banged up my elbow badly. In an ice event prior to that, as I was walking home from the store, I slipped in the middle of the street. The street curved slightly downhill. I couldn't stand up, at all. No grip whatsoever. I had to crawl to the curb to get up. That was nasty, frightening, AND embarassing. No sir, I do not like ice, except in my drinks (and even then, sparingly).
See? I told you I tend to gripe, and I didn't want to let you down.
To add insult to injury, I'd like to pose a little question: Why do people who's cars become trapped in by snow, INSIST on sitting on the gas pedal for half an hour, squealing the tires in hopes that it will "catch" at some point? It's just really annoying to the rest of the human race is all. Not that I wouldn't help push them out. I have in the past. But hey, my foot and all, plus I'm actually working. I don't think the store owner would appreciate it if I just upped and left the store alone.
Oh yeah, don't mind me. The unit next door has been dealing with some nasty chemicals. The fumes are noxious, and penetrate into the store with no problem. I've probably lost as many brain cells already as a night of drunken debauchery (I love that term) would have taken from me. Aw man, now I'm pissed. I'd rather have the night of drunken debauchery than have to sit here and smell the fumes. That being said, I'm not even getting high off them! Couldn't they have used something more... hallucinogenic?
I had this wierd dream last night, that I was shaving with one of those Norelco dealies (with the 3 circular heads), and I was loving it. I wanted one for Christmas. Folks, let me tell you, I shave maybe twice a month at most, and I only shave my cheeks. The rest is free growing (I initially entertained thoughts in October of growing my beard and dusting it, to do an instore "Santa appearance". I've since nixed that, but haven't nixed the beard. I'm Grizzily Adams, Jr.). Still, all those electric razors I've seen commercials for on TV look pretty neat. I just don't know if I could justify a 35-80 dollar purchase for what would amount to maybe an hour of shaving a year?
Oh hey, speaking of commercials, has anyone seen that picture cellphone commercial with Sasquatch? I haven't seen a commercial that made me laugh out loud in a long time, but this one's a winner. I'm not going to go into detail here, but if you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about. If not, it's not worth explaining. Just keep an eye out for it.
I guess that wraps up this particular installment of my blog, especially considering I have to go take a pee. Anyway, catch ya later!
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