Wow. It actually happened. I signed up for one of these things. Whodathunkit? And just who came up with such a horribly ugly conjunction like "whodathunkit"?
Well, I used to have a personal web page a long time ago on an internet server far, far away. I updated it monthly for awhile. It had set topics though. This bloggie thingie, it doesn't have set topics (at least, not forced topics), and it expects you to update a little more often than once a month.
Okay, I think I can handle it.
The long and short of it is, I am a person who generally has something to say. I bitch and complain sometimes, but hey, who doesn't. I'm sure even the Pope has muttered a thing or two about that teepee he wears on his head. I don't consider myself overly political, although I do have opinions there and about current events. I don't consider myself a nerd, but I do think I'm smart. Damn smart. At least, smarter than your average bear. Okay, okay, ego aside; I like to learn, even if I'm not always well informed, so I tend to have an opinion on *most* things. I also know a lot of crap and like much of Dennis Miller's stand up career, will tend to spout out the obscure reference from time to time. If you don't get it, look it up, or ask me about it (assuming there's some kind of email link here somewhere).
There are days (perhaps even weeks) where I'll barely share 3 words on this blog. But there will be times that you'll be reading this thing for an hour just from one post. You never know. I'm just that wacky. Oh yeah, I'm also an artist, and into gaming and comics (I manage a gaming and comic book store, by some divinely odd coinky dink), but I don't intend to be one of those "news blogs". If I feel some news is important enough to share, or has warranted my opinion, I'll share. If not, oh well. No hair off my back.
Anyways, I'll probably post more later if I feel like it. So just sit back, and enjoy the ride.
... or don't enjoy it. See if I care.
- Mark
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