Thursday, February 16, 2006

Get Ta Know Me!

Reposted (with my own answers, of course) from Shrew's blog.

welcome to the 2006 edition of getting to know your friends (& relatives). what you are supposed to do is copy this entire thing and paste it into a blog entry. change all the answers so they apply to you. youre supposed to send this to a whole bunch of people including the person who sent it to you, but instead, ill post the answers here [ i know, lazy girl that i am! ]. the theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends, if you did not know them already.

here we go....

1. what time did you get up this morning? 2pm. I've been very tired/sick lately (might be my weakened heart)
2. diamonds or pearls? Neither
3. what was the last film you saw at the cinema? Chronicles of Narnia
4. what is your favorite tv show(s): CSI, Family Guy
5. what did you have for breakfast? I had a leftover empanada (the caramel apple ones from Taco Bell. Yeah, I know, bad for me, but since I've hardly eaten all this week...)
6. what is your middle name? James
7. what is your favorite food? cuisine? I'm almost inclined to borrow Shrew's answer. I love sushi (and it's many variations thereof), and I do love Penne Ala Vodka. But traditionally, I'm a sandwhich man :) (one of my faves though, I used to get for lunch when I lived in NH was the steak tips sub, with cheese and wilted lettuce).
8. what foods do you dislike? I don't dislike foods, they dislike me.
9. Do you like to play the skin flute? Yes and no.
10. favorite sandwich? steak tips sub with melted cheese and wilted lettuce :)
11. what characteristics do you despise? dishonesty, self-martyrdom, I don't mind know it alls, as long as they actually do. I dislike the ones who insist despite any and all evidence that they are right and you are wrong. Trollism (if you read usenet/newsgroups, or frequent message boards, you'll know what I mean).
12. favorite item of clothing? probably my one pair of jeans, but that's more because of lack of alternatives.
13. if you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Ireland
14. what color is your bathroom? White I think. Last time we needed to paint it (badly), so we just used the paint we had on hand, which was either white or a slightly grayish white.
15. favorite brand(s) of clothing? I'll say "faded glory" (Kmart brand) because I can usually get tee shirts for 3-5 bucks apiece :Þ
16. where would you retire to? If this is an "anywhere" question, I'd probably say "San Diego", otherwise, just some place that's nice, but not too humid in the summer, but preferably doesn't average 6 feet of snow per winter!
17. favorite time of day? When everybody else goes to bed, and I have the apartment all to myself.
18. where were you born? almost in a toilet (seriously), but luckily mom got to the bedroom in time where my father delivered me on their bed.
19. favorite sport to watch? baseball
20. who do you least expect to send this back? spamspamspamspam :Þ
21. person you expect to send it back first? Just to buck the trend, I'm going to send this to myself first.
22. what laundry detergent do you use? whatever's on sale.
23. coke or pepsi? I like coca cola, but sugar and caffeine are no longer part of my diet.
24. are you a morning person or night owl? night owl without a doubt.
25. What size shoe do you wear? 10 wide
26. do you have pets? 2 cats and a dog that I call my own, but we have another cat in the house as well (belongs to my sister, but he's friendly enough for everybody).
27. any new and exciting news you'd like to share with everyone? I was diagnosed with a heart condition. Not that it's "exciting" per se, but it does qualify as "significant".
28. what did you want to be when you were little? an Paleontologist. I loves me some dinosaurs!
29. candy bar? again, can't have 'em, but if I could, Reeses PB Cups, all the way!
30. what is your best childhood memory? I don't know what my "best" is... I have a few that I remember, but not for anything significant...
31. what are the different jobs you have had in your life? worked overnight at a grocery store (technically, I was the cashier, but I did stock, product ordering, basically everything!), Comic book colorist/penciller, Postal Employee.
32. what color underwear are you wearing? black. Whenever I feel bad enough that I think a hospital visit might be in order, I wear dark/colored underwear.
33. nicknames: fungus, or several other derivatives thereof.
34. eye color: olive green
35. who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? Nobody's. I'm not a stalker. Honest I'm not... *hides zoom lens and camera*
36. last person you went to dinner with: My best friend, Pat
37. what are you listening to right now? "The Towering Inferno" on the TV, and my dog barking at me to give her more food.

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