Saturday, February 04, 2006

Three Week - Day Five

You all got a little reprieve, as I spent the day in the hospital.

Topic: List three marketing promotions that you've seen in your lifetime that stick out in your mind.

  1. Herb (Burger King)
    This was a mid-80's promo that incorporated a middle aged bald guy who would appear randomly at restaurants around the country, and spotting (and identifying him would win you about a million bucks. Needless to say, I feel sorry for the balding, middle aged man who was apparently not Herb, that I harassed when I was 12, trying to convince him that he was indeed, Herb, while he was trying to enjoy a solitary meal.

  2. Bigfoot "You Ain't Got No Camera" (Cingular)
    This one is only a few years old, and I've only seen it twice, but it's just about the funniest commercial I've ever seen. It was used to promote some of the first camera phones. A lone hiker comes across bigfoot in the forest, who then proceeds to mock him with a dance, and the repeated chant noting, "you ain't got no camera!" The hiker then takes out his cell phone and snaps a few shots of bigfoot. Needless to say, he tries to convince the hiker to give up the cell phone.

  3. Godzilla (1998)
    Who could escape (especially if you lived in NY or Los Angeles) the gigantic, "His _____ is as big as this ____" posters and billboards? Being the big Godzilla fan that I am, I would drool at each sighting (sadly, for the scrapbook I was making, I never took any photos of these ads). This, coupled with the totally unexpected teaser shown with "Men in Black" (which started the whole "let's show trailers more than a year before the movie opens" trend), I couldn't possibly have been anymore hyped for this movie than I was.

Honorable mention: The "Independence Day", Blow-Up-The-White-House Superbowl commercial that had people talking for weeks (and practically overshadoed the game itself)

And just so nobody has to scroll down unnecessarily:

My "Three Week" tags:
Reciprocal - Beginnings
Chelle - It's my Escape
Shrew - The Taming
Brenda - Planet Brenda

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