Monday, August 28, 2006

My Condolences to Many of You

I don't know what's going on, but something wierd is. This month, I celebrate the birthdays of my 3 fur-babies. Yet, so many people I know (I think the count is up to about 6 now) have lost their babies in the past month. What's more, is many of them have gone from what can only be called, "extreme old age", that is, they passed on from natural causes, and well beyond the average lifespan of their breeds (more than a couple were 16 year old dogs, which is about 25% longer than dogs average lifespans. To put it in human terms, it'd be a human living to be about 100 years old).

So, I want to express my sympathies to all of you who've lost a furry loved one recently. I also hope that my own revelry in my babies hasn't upset anyone...

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