Monday, January 31, 2005

I'm Moving to Canada!

Well, not really... but I just got the bill for my *first* hospital trip (the one day stay), and it's a whopping 3386 dollars! Just for walking into the ER, they charged 975 bucks. I can't imagine what my 5 day stay is going to cost...

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Here Today and um... Here Today...

It's been a week, and I've been thinking of things to post about (I actually keep finding subjects, but it's usually when I'm working on something so it slips my mind). Just letting you all know I'm still here, doing alright. Still eating healthy (or trying to, anyways). More later! (or maybe not)

Sunday, January 23, 2005


I just wanted to make a second post point this out, and one other unrelated thing.

After I post to my blog, and view it, I tend to hit the "next blog" button (you should too, it can be fun). One of the things I've been noticing though, are blogs for say, credit cards, that automatically post the same thing every day. There is a service you can check off that indexes your posts each day, kind of like a random blog search engine. I'm assuming that this is the point of such "bloggertisements"©, just another form of spam. At least they can't post such spam to your blog (or mine) without illegally hacking it... yet...

The other thing I wanted to point out was the new makeup scam. I noticed that certain products my sister owns (and she buys TONS of them) say "Final product not tested on animals". Note the key word: Final. This tells me (and should tell any other educated consumer) that the seperate parts testing leading up to the culmination of that product have more than likely BEEN tested on animals!

In other words, you can have a product consisting of water, sugar, caramel coloring, caffeine, high fructose corn syrup (yes, coca cola essentially), that is not tested on animals, but a warning like the above suggests that the water was tested on animals, the sugar was tested on animals, the caramel coloring was tested on animals, etc. IOW, the individual ingredients were tested on animals, so why would you test the final completed product on animals? It just seems to me that it's more "sneaky jargon" designed to hide the truth, but in a way that they can't say they lied about it...

Of course, this also brings up the question: Do we really need rabbits that smell like Rosewater and Honeysuckle?

Anybody want a roommate?

I can be quite entertaining and amusing, and I'm darn cute, too. I am good at driving the women away lots of things, and can be quite handy too.

In other news, my body has started to adjust to the diet, and I'm finding I may need to find a safe way to increase it a little (I'm only eating about 1100 calories a day, which is even 400 calories shy of a weightloss diet!). I'm started to become more active (doesn't really feel like I am though), and my body is burning more calories. The biggest problem is sodium. It's almost impossible to get away from! Even without added salt, "healthy foods" even contain certain amounts. I know we need some in our bodies, and that the recommended 2400 mg a day are recommended for a reason, but it's still darn difficult... I'm trying to keep my stress down, but my selfish nephew isn't really helping (hence the title).

I know I'll pull through, but I seriously am considering moving out. I love mom, and feel bad for her in that I'm the only person here who doesn't aggravate her, but what has to be, has to be...

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Hospital, O Hospital, O festival of lights...

Argh. I just spent the better part of a week back at the hospital. They did chest x-rays, CT scans, even the Cath test (angiogram, you know, the one where they put a catheterscope through your wrist or groin, then snake it up into your heart and arteries to check them out from the inside?). Well, I have mild hypertension (as noted before), and the good news is my heart and arteries check out alright. They think it's my stomach. I'll be getting a few prescriptions, and eventually an endoscopy (similar to the angiogram, except I think they go from your anus and snake it up into your stomach. I kid you not).

I did have a few scary moments (like a bad reaction to the angiogram later in the day), but I'm glad to be home. I intend a full change of lifestyle. I've already started making dietary improvement plans, and plan to exercise more (if I can get some money, there's a martial arts place within walking distance. Maybe I can learn stick fighting). As I said in the previous post, I plan on walking around stress. I'm thinking (again, if I can get some money) on moving out to a nice, quiet place.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Stress kills!

It's true folks. I spent last night in the hospital, partly due to stress (combined with insomnia and hypertension). It's sad but true, that stress can kill you. Fortunately, most of my tests came back negative (aside from hypertension, my heart beating fast, and some thyroid issues in my bloodwork, everything else was in acceptible ranges). I'm still not 100% better, but my attitude is more positive now. I don't intend to take stress head on yet, but I'll simply avoid it until I'm strong enough to cope. Still, it was a scary situation. If you're a praying person, feel free to say a little prayer for me.

Monday, January 10, 2005

In Loving Memory

Louis Tannacore January 13,1945 - January 10, 1995.

We haven't forgotten about you, Dad.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Amazing what a little research can turn up

I just spent the better part of an hour trying to create the graphic for the post titles, then manually edit the titles. Apparently, there's a really quick yes/no setting to show the title. And this mind you, is after I sent a help request about titles. Duh...

Hey blogger people, if you're reading this, forget my request, and sorry!

Still, at least I have something else to occupy myself with...

Saturday, January 08, 2005

R.I.P. Kitt

August 1,1991 - January 8, 2005

Stubborn as all get out, a fighter to the end. You will be missed, my furry little friend.

Insomniac Poets Theatre Presents

twinkle, twinkle little blog,
I have no girlfriend which to snog,
On the internet so high,
It was free so I won't cry,
twinkle, twinkle little blog,
I'd like a keg of ale or grog.

The Internet can be a scary place...

I intend to make that picture the avatar for all that is scary and frightening on the internet. Feel free to save the pic and pass it around.

Friday, January 07, 2005

A Quick Thought On Post Titling.

I should start titling these posts so they appear in the archives better :)

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Despite the fact that I'm glad the holidays are over, I really can't stand Januaries. Here's a brief list of reasons why:

1987: I was 12, my dog, who was 13 at the time, whom I grew up with, had to be put down. She had cancer in her hips and back legs. They were so swollen, and she couldn't even walk. We had to wait with her all day until dad came home and could take her to the vet for the shot.

1992: Our parrot, who was born the same year I was (he was an indian ring necked parakeet. Fairly uncommon, very pretty) went nuts then dropped dead right in the cage, all in the span of about 5 seconds. He never showed any signs of illness prior to that.

1994: Mom slips on a patch of black ice, dislocates her shoulder. She's out of work for 5 months, and her disability didn't kick in for about 3 months. We almost lost everything.

1995: (the big one). My father, suffering from diabetes, gout, angina and depression, has the flu. I get home from work (I worked nights) and was walking him back to his bedroom. Just as he steps inside, he collapses right in front of me (I was able to hinder his descent, but not actually catch him). I call 911 and can only watch as his skin turns silver and he dies right in front of me from congestive heart failure.

1997: One of my cat's, Shadoe (we found three kittens in 1991, abandoned at less than a week. We had to take them because they were too *young* for the animal shelter to accept them. One of the kittens had died right in my arms, but that wasn't a january event) gets what we thought was a yeast infection. Turns out it was a pyometra (infected uterus) that is ALWAYS fatal if untreated. Fortunately, I was early on my taxes and got my return in time to pay for half of the 900+ dollar emergency surgery. My friend leant me the rest of the money.

2005: I am watching my other cat, Kitt, slowly dying of FIP (feline infectious peritonitis). She can barely breathe, and we can't afford to put her down (it costs friggin' 300 bucks!) It's doubtful she'll live out the month.

Monday, January 03, 2005