Friday, October 13, 2006

I guess questions are in order? As are answers, maybe...

Obviously, I don't feel much like posting, but I don't feel like cutting off this blog altogether. So I guess I'll cop out, and do one or two of those "ask me anything" type memes, where I'll answer as honestly as I can. It doesn't have to be about other recent posts (it can be if you're really curious, but chances are a totally honest answer will take up a few pages), it can be about anything really (even not about me. I'm nerdly enough to be able to answer or at least theorize on a bunch of things).

Also, another reason I didn't want to give this up too quickly, is I just signed on to Bloggers new beta program, so I want to test out all the new features they're working on.

Edit: I felt the need to edit (as shown via the strike through text). I didn't really expect anyone to ask, and to be honest, I don't feel I could give a complete answer, and frankly, nor do I want to. Some of it is a little too personal (upon introspection), so I'm going to null and void that as a topic. Sorry.

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