Saturday, July 08, 2006

One of those itty bitty gripes...

It's about the profile image. Now if you see the "FL" shield in the upper right, it pertains to my new logo (for my portfolio site). After several iterations of that "button", I finally just made it a jpeg file with a background (it's the same color as the box, but you can see it when I post comments on other people's blogs). I know that force resized gifs (forcefully resized by the browser) look terrible (especially when there's a dark line). However, it seems to be a no-win situation. If I made the button any smaller than that (to the right), then blogger forcefully upscales it, making it ugly (gif or jpg). If I leave it at that size (which looks nice on the blog), then blogger forcefully downscales it when I comment on people's blogs, which looks ugly also.

Sorry folks, I just am an occassional perfectionist, and just wanted it to look good regardless of where it's being used...

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