Friday, December 26, 2003

It's the day after Chreesmees. (Don't mind me, I like being goofy like that). For the record, I didn't skip all this time because of the stuff in my last post. The Flu bug decided to take a bite out of me, I was down for almost a week. Maybe it's just a coinky dink, but hey, poop happens.

I think most of my week went like: *snort* *cough* *groan*, in a repetitive cycle, but not always in that order. Oh yeah, I think there was an occassional "ow" in there just to break up the monotony.

I do sincerely hope everyone reading this (all 313,000 of you) had a wonderful holiday. There's not much to share of mine. I said, "Merry Christmas," to my friend who responded with, "Huh? I'm confused." That pretty much ended that. (in his defense, they had Christmas with his in-laws on sunday, so that was officially "Christmas" for him. I was going by the actual date when I wished him a Merry Christmas).

You know what sucks about having a blog? You are genuinely required to have something resembling a life to actually talk/write about. Well, I have the next best thing... an opinion!

Oh, that was just a declaration. I don't have anything important to really share right now... wait, yes I do. It's a dumb little revelation, but it could be big. I think I have an inkling as to why so many people get depressed nowadays:

In old times, each person has something of value to offer to the community. Since most goods were exchanged through barter, individual skills were highly prized. But nowadays, we exchange services and goods for cloth (yes, it's actually cloth, not paper) and mineral/metal monies. Most textiles are mass produced. Our individual value to those around us (in general) is far less than it used to be. We are no longer necessary to help support the local community. That doesn't mean we can't improve it ourselves, but we're not necessary for it (individually). At least, not as necessary as we used to be. Our self esteem has taken a mighty, subconscious blow. Unfortunately, many of us are still wired in such a way that our self worth is governed by others' need of us. This is a large part of depression, IMO. Of course, I could go much more indepth to clarify my position, but I think I've nerded you all out enough for today (or depressed you enough, as the case may be).

I promise to get back to the revelry soon enough. I'm just getting over my own funk. No worries though. Btw, if you have a topic you'd like to read my two ¢ on, feel free to email me. Later taterz.

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