Wednesday, December 17, 2003

You know the nice thing about this? I can blog whenever the heck I feel like it. Granted, I try to keep it down to once per day, just so all my thoughts can collect into one vaccuous hole that empties into this blog in a single outpouring, but hey, whatcha gonna do? Btw, I am off on tuesdays, so for anyone who has issues with the fact that I don't blog on tuesdays, well... too bad. (oooh, what a meanie I am. Boogity boogity!)

You know, I overslept yesterday, but kept thinking of stuff that I wanted to put into this blog. But when I woke up this morning, all of that had gone out of my head. Oh well, your loss, I'm sure. I did have something of a public service message I wanted to share though:

Life is hard. No really, it is. Find humor in everything. It's one of the best ways to make it through. Yes, laughing at someone who's just fallen down and gotten hurt is cruel, but on the inside, we're all chuckling. It happens. It's human nature. It's okay to laugh (but don't turn your back on the fallen person! that's just not nice). It's the Homer Simpson, "It's funny 'cause it's not me" syndrome. It's real folks. When people say it's wrong to laugh, just say screw 'em and laugh at them. Try pointing too, it adds to the humiliation. Oh man, did I say that out loud? Ah, screw it. Seriously though, laugh. It helps ease the pain...

There, done my good deed for the day. No, really folks, I'm a nice guy. Honest. Just ask the two people I keep locked in the basement...

I had another wierd dream. I won't go into detail now, but let's just say DragonBall Z and World War II really don't mix (especially in a psychological "who dunnit" mystery). Yes, my subconscious actually does combine the genres. It's just that wierd...

You know what's on my mind right now? Not a darned thing. I'm totally drawing a blank. I may have to come back to this after I eat lunch...


Well, I wrote up that dream, and asked a friend of mine if I should post it. He said I should, so direct any and all angry and hateful comments at him.

Okay, first, I was a bomber pilot. Apparently, the planes were disposable. You drop your payload, then just fly your plane towards the ocean, eject and wait for pick up (friendly hopefully).

So myself, and some people I recognized, and a bunch I didn't are waiting in the water. Then the scene changes to the street outside my house, only the situation hasn't changed. It's still a bunch of us in puffy orange, starwars pilot looking suits, waiting for pick up. But here's the thing, one guy (who looked amazingly like Rick Schroeder, btw) decides we can soup up one of these cars (conveniently parked on... the street outside my mom's house! Dun dun DUN!), and just tag along for a ride home. So he soups it up (something a nitro burst, but it'll last longer), and he jumps in the car. Myself and several other guys do too (and one behind the steering wheel), and zoom, it takes off. Think about careening down a steep hill, and all you can do is aim yourself. That's what it was like. Suddenly, we're on this transport thingie. It's like a chunk of seats taken out of a movie theatre (like 6 seats across, I don't know how many deep), and it's a moving vehicle, but with no real sides or top. It's a "heroes on display" kind of thing. So we get home, and we're touted as heroes (I believe I mentioned that already).

But then they tell us the bad news. Warsaw, Poland is burning! Warsaw Poland? Yes, Warsaw Poland!!! It's totally on fire! Supposedly, Berlin was overheard talking to the Pope last week, and threatening to burn down Warsaw, and some other place. And yes, it was the *places* speaking. The Pope didn't speak with SOMEONE from Berlin. He spoke WITH Berlin. So, I'm pissed. In front of everyone I declare "I can wipe out half of Berlin right now, from here!" So now, some guys take me aside and we start talking. Can I really do it? Apparently, yes! I can focus my energy into a twelve inch around (yes, the specific measurement was mentioned in my dream) ball of energy capable of destroying half of Berlin, and I had total control over it. I guess I had issues with making a 24 inch around ball and destroying all of Berlin.

But was Berlin really the culprit?! The threats against Warsaw were widely known, could some third party have burnt down Warsaw in an attempt to open up this war?

I kind of woke up after that... Except for the energy focusing thing (I'm a dragonball fan), I have no clue where *any* of the other stuff came from...

Wierd, huh? Ironically, I have NO interest in WWII, Poland, Berlin, or most of Europe whatsoever. In fact, last night, I was watching a show about Jesse James (right after watching Family Guy), so I can't say where the imagery came from...

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