Sunday, February 05, 2006

Three Week - Day Six

Topic: The first time you "discovered" underwear, list three things that made it a discovery.

  1. The colors, oh the colors!
    Up until this time, I thought underwear only came in white. Imagine my joy upon discovering black, navy, olive, burgundy and other colors! Okay, it may not seem like a big deal, but being paranoid as I am, especially since we had to change in the lockerroom in front of other guys, this was a Godsend.

  2. Midway aka Boxer Briefs.
    Boxers are too rough/uncomfy (I've never had a pair of knit or silk boxers, so I can't comment on those), and sometimes "tighty whities" tend to ride up too much (and they were much worse in the summer, when we used to play ball almost daily). Then I discovered underwear that was as soft as briefs, but allowed for the same thigh protection (not to mention anti-wedgie protection) as the too-rough boxers. So now when people ask me, "Boxers or Briefs", I tell them, "Both, at the same time."

  3. Lacey Panties.
    I've never worn woman's underwear (honest!), but I'm pretty sure that there's no greater underwear discovery in a boys life than woman's underwear! Ironically, I think this contributed to my *trouble* drawing women. I happen to think that all women are beautiful in their own way, but there's just such a natural accentuation of that beauty when a woman is in her underwear. When drawing, I feel so intimidated trying to capture such beauty...

And just so nobody has to scroll down unnecessarily:

My "Three Week" tags:
Reciprocal - Beginnings
Chelle - It's my Escape
Shrew - The Taming
Brenda - Planet Brenda

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