Friday, January 27, 2006

Tagged: My Perfect Partner

Yep, my first official tag :) (there's an "unofficial tag" coming afterwards). It's an odd little ritual perpetrated by blogging friends, but who am I to buck the trend? Image hosting by Photobucket

the rules: the victim lists 8 different points of their perfect lover/partner, mentioning the sex of said partner. tag 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on a post letting them know theyve been tagged.

The first prerequisite is breathing. The second would be that she be a female Image hosting by Photobucket

my perfect partner:

1. Gorgeous red hair. Natural red.
2. Has a foreign accent (this way, I'd melt at anything she says)
3. Knows what it's like to be pleased (take that anyway you want), and knows that I'm the only one who can truly make her feel that way!
4. Can stand toe to toe with me on a debate about; Godzilla, Anime, Video Games, Politics, Useless trivia, the state of the world today.
5. knows the difference (ie limitations with regards to myself) between "annoying" and "tickling".
6. Inspires me to write poetry.
7. Doesn't have to be a virgin, but makes everytime I'm with her feel like her first time.
8. Accepts me for who I am, doesn't want to change me but wants to help me become a better person (ie PATIENCE! :))

Okay, I hate to say it, but here's where I have to be a trend bucker. I know about 5 actual bloggers, and I think Shrew ("The Taming", see side links Image hosting by Photobucket) already tagged the only 4 of them I know will respond. But don't worry, at some point I'm sure I'll russle up a few more regular readers ;) afterall, I've been blogging for a few years now (good gravey, has it been that long?! Image hosting by Photobucket), so I'm sure someone's bound to notice this little ol' blog ;)

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